Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Letter from Congressman Bob Filner

Dear Friends and Supporters:

In a matter of hours, voters from across San Diego will be going to the polls to elect our next Mayor – the person who will lead this great City for the next four years.

We have much to do in order to make San Diego live up to its billing as America's Finest City.  We need to elect a Mayor who will work every single day to create jobs and bring new businesses to our City by focusing on expanding our Port and making San Diego the clean energy capital and job creating hub of the country.  A Mayor who will invest in our neighborhoods and redirect City resources away from downtown and into all of the communities that make up the City we love.  And every day we need to keep in mind who we fight for -- middle class San Diegans and not the powerful downtown special interests.

Election day will also mark the point where the focus of this primary campaign shifts from the candidates to you. To all of the voters who came to our rallies, knocked on doors, called their neighbors to action, and contributed their hard-earned money, know that our work has just begun. To all those whose hopes and dreams for the future were our hopes and dreams -- our work goes on.

 If you put your trust in me by giving me your vote I will stand with all San Diegans, every day, doing what is right for all of San Diego.

Thank you, all!  It would be my honor to be your next Mayor.



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