Thursday, October 11, 2012

Forget Big Bird; Here Comes Grover!

Lobbyist, Tea Party Hero Rides in to Rescue Bilbray’s Teetering Campaign

San Diego -- The Scott Peters for Congress campaign today warned voters in the new 52nd Congressional District of a new character seeking to influence their votes in this hotly contested race.

“Forget Big Bird, here comes Grover,” said Peters Communications Director MaryAnne Pintar. “But it’s not Big Bird’s fuzzy blue friend from Sesame Street; it’s Grover Norquist and he’s coming to San Diego to thank his friend Congressman Bilbray for signing his pledge to never end subsidies for their mutual friends in the oil industry, and to never compromise in order to balance the budget.”

Even Jeb Bush -- not exactly an icon of liberalism -- criticized Republicans for signing the Norquist Pledge as an example of how extreme Brian Bilbray and his party have become.

Grover Norquist is a D.C. lobbyist who heads the extremist Tea Party group Americans for Tax Reform. He just reserved $1.3 million in television ad time to defend the ineffective record of Tea Party Congressman and former lobbyist Brian Bilbray, a millionaire who headlines local Tea Party events about "fiscal conservatism" while taking a $174,000 salary and two taxpayer funded pensions equalling nearly $30,000.

“Brian’s campaign is teetering on the edge so in rides Congressman Bilbray’s guru Grover to the rescue,” said Pintar.  He was even called the “most vulnerable Republican incumbent in California” recently by a highly regarded analyst.

For more information about Scott Peters’ campaign to fix Brian Bilbray’s broken Congress, please go to

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