U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein Endorses Mat Kostrinsky for City Council District 7
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kimber Tabak (619) 500-3580
San Diego, CA – March 5, 2012 – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, one of California’s most respected elected officials, endorsed Mat Kostrinsky for City Council District 7.
"I have known Mat Kostrinsky for more than a decade, and relied on his counsel on matters in San Diego. He’s strong and independent,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein. “I’m confident Mat will make sure city government is working for you, and all the people of District 7,” added Feinstein.
"It is an honor to be endorsed by Senator Feinstein. She has an incredible record of bringing together people with diverse opinions to solve problems and get results," said Mat Kostrinsky. “I look forward to working with her to ensure we support our veterans, strengthen our economy, and keep San Diego safe.”
In addition to being supported by Senator Feinstein, Kostrinsky has also been endorsed by former San Diego Councilmember Donna Frye and current Councilmembers Todd Gloria, David Alvarez and Marti Emerald.
Kostrinsky grew up in the San Diego communities of San Carlos and Del Cerro. He attended Pershing Middle School, Patrick Henry High School and graduated from San Diego State University. Mat and his wife, Jen, a family practice physician, are raising their two children in the same neighborhood where Mat grew up. For more information, please go to his website at www.Mat4CityCouncil.com
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