Saturday, October 20, 2007
Get your questions ready.
Excitement on Live TV
Via Brad Blog: Here is the video from the show.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Quick Hits
- What a surprise! Residents in East Village uphappy with homeless shelter coming to neighborhood.[UT Link]
- Transit Board screws the poor, moves forward with rate hike.[UT Link]
- Band Aid approach to traffic issues: Toll road set open on November 19.[UT Link]
- Forward thinking Escondido business owner to install photovoltaic system in its brewery/restaurant.[NC Times Link]
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Next Mayor?
While making rounds, I heard from a couple people that Butkiewicz is leaving the Labor Council to run for mayor. I couldn't get anyone from the Labor Council to address the rumors, but the timing would certainly make sense. Leaving at the end of the year would give him two months to start a campaign before the filing deadline.
While I'm sure the Lincoln Club would spend a record amount of money against him, he certainly has the credentials. He's currently on the board of directors for the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of San Diego. He also would certainly have the support of labor, and be able to easily raise funds.
We can only hope these rumors are true, giving San Diego an option besides Sanders and Francis.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Hypocrisy of The Pro-Life Movement
“As Democratic pro-life members of Congress, we were disappointed and dismayed when the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) announced in July that it was actively opposing the House-passed reauthorization of [S-CHIP],” the letter says.[Link]
In response, the NRLC's legislative director Douglas Johnson said, “There’s nothing there [in the S-CHIP bill] for us to really grab onto."[Link]
There has always been a morbid fascination within the pro-life movement that focused on the fetus. Their position regarding S-CHIP has shown this to be true. So long as you're a fetus, we are concerned about you, but once you come out of the womb you are on your own. I guess that is what you call a hypocrite.
I was sent an e-mail this morning from a pro-life reader telling me Feminists for Life are supporting the S-CHIP bill.[Link] Maybe not all pro-filers are hypocrites, just the vast majority of them
Failure in Leadership - Example XXIII
While I fully understand and agree with the council's decision to placate the concerns of Barrio Logan residents regarding the shelter, does the council really believe that the residents and business owners of East Village are not going to have the same concerns that their neighbors in Barrio Logan had? Once again, instead of trying to find a location that could eventually become a permanent site for a shelter, this council has decided to abdicated its responsibility.
The homeless situation in San Diego is a disgrace. The city needs a comprehensive solution that includes a permanent year-round facility, not some annual "emergency shelter" that is passed from one community to another like a hot potato. To arrive at a comprehensive solution, of course would require leadership from both the mayor and city council and that is something that is in short supply.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Vigil for Health Care
Sign Affordable Health Care Legislation Now
COUNTLESS CALIFORNIANS have fallen victim to soaring health care costs. Yet Governor Schwarzenegger has failed to give us affordable health care this year.
JOIN WORKING FAMILIES across the state for a state-wide vigil to honor the victims of health care by lighting candles, delivering flowers and sharing personal health care stories. to make our voices heard and demand action.
WHEN: October 17th-19th, 2007
WHERE: The Governor’s Offices - 1350 Front Street, San Diego
CONTACT: Ryan Mims, San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council - (619) 228-8101 or
Events during the 48-hour vigil will include:
Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. - Candle-lighting ceremony, and personal health care stories
Thursday, 11:30 a.m. - Prayer circle and reflection
Friday, 11:30 a.m. - Conclusion ceremony, and delivery of memorial to the Governor's office
***Come by when you can - morning, noon or night!***
Bring your families, co-workers, neighbors and friends.
Because if health care isn’t affordable, it’s not real reform.
Buff Piece on Sheriff William Kolender by U-T
So, I don't know if you had a chance to read the Union Tribune's not in-depth article. It very softly danced around rumors that Sheriff Kolender might not finish his 4-year term, personal health conditions and family matters.
It seems Sheriff Kolender had been ducking their interview for sometime, limited the time originally scheduled for the interview, had his spokeperson limit the exchange of information and we seemed to gleem more insight from the comments of Sheriff Kolender's underlings, then the Sheriff himself.
- “I tell people, 'He's not 41 anymore,' ” said Undersheriff (Bill) Gore
- Gore's urging, Kolender recently agreed to scale back his speaking engagements and other commitments outside the office
- “He compares positively in all the dealings I have with anyone his age,” (Ron) Roberts said.
- He struggles to find the right words or phrase sometimes...
I think the media or should I say the Union Tribune does a real disservice to the public when they have a chance to interview an elected person and throws a softball rather then ask the tough questions. Though they would not have given a free pass to Congressman Bob Filner or any other Democratic, but we forget this is a Republican elected afterall.
What is really Sheriff Kolendar's health, will he really stay the entire 3-1/2 years, will the County Board of Supervisors appoint a caretaker for his position, why is he getting 3 months off on taxpayer expense, would this type of time off be allowed for an employee, etc...?
P.S. The U-T did come out in favor of the Chula Vista caretaker option to not allow appointees to run for a vacanted open seat. Will the U-T stay on course for the County?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Weekend Recap - Bersin for City Attorney?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Meet the Ugly Face of Gaylord Entertainment

Apparently, Mr Christen has some very extreme views that he likes to espouse. Such as that he believes human caused Global Warming is an hoax perpetrated by the "Left" to gain more power and that environmentalists are more dangerous that Islamic Terrorists.[Link]
Besides his extreme views, Mr. Christen also has a bit of an assorted past:
He likes to pose as a regular guy who knows what’s best for the people of Chula Vista, but he comes to us from Oregon, via Colorado. The people back in those states know what a hot-headed fringe character he really is.
When he ran in 1996 for the Oregon state legislature as a far-right candidate against a moderate Republican, Christen railed against “the increase in violent, senseless acts of crime.” But Christen failed to inform voters that he was, in fact, a convicted criminal. He was found guilty of criminal mischief after terrorizing a 17-year-old boy and attacking the teenager’s car in the previous year.
In Colorado Springs — where he got himself elected to the school board after running a pro-voucher, anti-public education campaign — Christen quickly created havoc, threatening mass firings of school district employees and verbally abusing fellow board members. “It’s been a long while since I’ve been around a public official who’s as rude as Eric Christen,” said the president of the local PTA.
In addition to alienating fellow school board members and school employees, Christen enraged the African-American community when he claimed that most black students who manage to graduate from high school will be functionally illiterate.” He also got in hot water with the Latino community when he insulted the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. In another school board meeting incident, he joked that several students who had gotten a rash were on crystal meth. I’m guessing it wasn’t too tough to gather the 16,443 signatures supporting his recall. [Link]
You can pry my gun, out of my cold dead hand!
In signing the legislation, the governor stated: "While I appreciate and understand that this technology is not without limitations, I am signing this bill to provide law enforcement with an additional tool for solving crimes, I encourage all stakeholders to work on improving this technology." [Link]
The law puts California back into the forefront for gun control legislation. Of course the crazy gun totting wingnuts, who believe that every person has the right to own a bazooka were quick to react to the governor's actions.
Sam Paredes of the Gun Owners of California said Schwarzenegger may have become “the most anti-gun governor in California history.” and he noted that Schwarzenegger, a Republican, approved a ban on .50-caliber rifles three years ago. [Link] I suspect that Arnold and Maria shouldn't expect any Xmas cards from Chuck Heston after this.