Wednesday, July 15, 2009

County Employees Call for Term Limits

From an SEIU Press Release:

San Diego- San Diego County employees today held a press conference at the County Administration Center to call for term limits for the San Diego County Supervisors. Margaret Johnson, a long-term County employee, filed an initiative with the San Diego Registrar of Voters to limit the Supervisor’s terms. The initiative would amend the San Diego County Charter to limit a Supervisor’s time in office to two four-year terms.

“The same politicians have run San Diego County for years, but they have failed to address the pressing issues facing our County,” Johnson said. “These career politicians have become so entrenched with special projects that they are routinely re-elected, even though they’ve lost touch with the needs of all the people of San Diego County . In fact, no incumbent Supervisor in San Diego County has lost a re-election bid in over a decade.”

Service Employees International Union Local 221, the union that represents San Diego County employees, was at the press conference to support the term limit initiative.

“We need new leaders with new ideas to improve the quality of life in San Diego County - leaders who are not focused on their own issues and benefits,” Service Employees International Union Local 221 President Sharon-Frances Moore said.

Once the initiative has been processed by the County, petition gatherers have 180 days to get 77,537 valid signatures in order to get the initiative on the June 2010 ballot.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Stop another bad GOP appointment

From the San Diego County Democratic Party:

On Tuesday, July 14, the San Diego City Council will be voting on the Mayor's appointment of John Davies to the San Diego Airport Authority. Currently, the Airport Authority has 8 Republicans and only 1 Democrat.

We need our Democratic Council members to stand up to the mayor and so no.

Who is John Davies?

JOHN DAVIES is a friend of Pete Wilson
John Davies has been a Planning Commissioner, head of CCDC, Regent of the University of California, and Appointments Secretary to then-Gov.
Wilson. He has a long and impressive resume thanks to his friendship with Pete Wilson, but did you know... ?

JOHN DAVIES recently served as Mayor Sanders' enforcer as Chairman of the City Charter Review Commission which advocated for expanding and making permanent the strong mayor form of government. In that role he fought hard to keep the cities power base in the hands of the downtown business establishment.

JOHN DAVIES is NOT a FRIEND to People of Color or Women While on the University of California Board of Regents, John Davies was one of Ward Connerly's most consistent and vocal allies in attacking affirmative action and opportunity for women and minorities at the University of California.

He voted in favor of SP-1 and SP-2 (the UC precursor to Proposition 209), and endorsed Prop 209 (which served to eliminate affirmative action in California).

He was also the only UC Regent to join Ward Connerly in voting AGAINST "Comprehensive Review Admissions" which allows UC to look beyond mere grades and test scores in evaluating students for admissions, despite evidence that UC professional schools were rapidly losing the ability to recruit minority students.

He was a vocal proponent for Proposition 54, pushing to eliminate the ability of the government to even collect racial information - thereby making it impossible to show racial disparity in contracting, health access or educational gains.

JOHN DAVIES is NOT a FRIEND to the LGBT Community While on the UC Board of Regents, John Davies voted AGAINST domestic partner benefits for UC employees.

While serving as Chair of the Board of Children's Hospital, John Davies helped fight the efforts of hospital janitors and medical aids to unionize, spent hospital resources to help delay a first contract, and ultimately engaged a decertification campaign against the workers.

He is AGAINST Project Labor Agreements and Neutrality in Union Organizing

Would John Davies be your Friend on the Airport Authority?

Please contact each council member with a simple message: VOTE NO ON THE APPOINTMENT OF JOHN DAVIES TO THE SAN DIEGO AIRPORT AUTHORITY!

Photo of District 1 Councilmember Sherri Lightner District 1
Councilmember Sherri Lightner

Photo of District 2 Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer District 2
Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer

Photo of District 3 Councilmember Todd Gloria District 3
Councilmember Todd Gloria

Photo of District 4 Councilmember Tony Young District 4
Councilmember Tony Young

Photo of District 5 Councilmember Carl DeMaio District 5
Councilmember Carl DeMaio

Photo of District 6 Councilmember Donna Frye District 6
Councilmember Donna Frye

Photo of District 7 Councilmember Marti Emerald District 7
Councilmember Marti Emerald

City Council District 8 District 8
Council President Ben Hueso