I finally mailed my absentee ballot yesterday after debating who I was going to vote for mayor. Now being the good Dem that Gracchus is, I normally vote for the endorsed Democrat in the race. This time, however, I couldn't fill in the bubble for Floyd Morrow.
I have meet Floyd Morrow on several occasions, I have talked with him and I like the guy. I think he is sincere in why he is running for mayor, I just don't believe he is a credible candidate. So that left me with the "less-of-two-evils" candidate to choose from.
Now, I'm not one to buy into the "new and improved" Steve Francis despite receiving flashy mail pieces touting union endorsements and showing Steve with his new best friend Donna Frye. As Public Enemy says "Don't Believe the Hype." But what is the alternative to Steve Francis?
It is Jerry Sanders who has shown himself to be about as competent in the job as was Dick Murphy. Sanders is emblematic of a current type of Republican pol who believes that being both petulant and disingenuous are governing virtues. Mayor Sanders has refused to work with others on the council to try to solve some of the myriad of problems in the city. Instead he has demonstrated that he has no leadership skills and that his primary duty as mayor is in keeping the status quo when it has come to the special interest downtown.
Now, I know what supporters of Sanders are going to say: Hey, he came into office with the city in crisis, while at the same time embarking on a new form of governing with strong mayor. And how can you trust Steve Francis? He'll say anything to get elected.
Well that might be true about Steve Francis, but I'm willing to give him a shot at running the city after what I have seen Sanders do for the last three years. I know if Steve Francis is elected mayor, I might not agree with some of the policies he will put forward. But I believe that he will be more willing to work with the council in trying to solve some of the city's problems and for that reason I gave him my vote yesterday.