Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Community Movement Kicks off at “A Better San Diego” Economic Summit   

Evan McLaughlin / (619) 850-2790
Susan Duerksen / (619) 804-1950

Hundreds of Community Activists Will Gather to Discuss Solutions for Jobs, Financial Empowerment, Quality of Life

TODAY! Saturday, August 27, 2011
9 a.m.* to 2 p.m.
Horace Mann Middle School
4345 54th Street
San Diego, CA 92115
(*Registration begins at 8 a.m.)

A coalition of community, faith, environmental, immigrant rights, labor, LGBT and social justice groups will convene at the “A Better San Diego” Economic Summit this morning to kick off a regional community organizing effort to put the economic issues facing the people of our communities at the forefront of the debate over San Diego’s future.

The summit will include hundreds of activists, community leaders and other San Diego residents who are mobilizing to build a vision for our city that supports five main themes: Jobs, Prosperity, Quality of Life, Equality and Fairness.

Attendees will be discussing their ideas, learning about ongoing economic issue campaigns, and hearing from community leaders and experienced organizers about how to build the A Better San Diego movement.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit

Participating Organizations
San Diego Labor Council & affiliated unions * Justice Overcoming Boundaries * Center on Policy Initiatives
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment * MoveOn Greater San Diego Council * Activist San Diego
San Diego LGBT Pride * Environmental Health Coalition * Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice * OB Rag
Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter * Employee Rights Center (Partial List: Visit for a full list)


Facebook: News from Councilmember Gloria: Redistricting


As you may have heard, the City of San Diego’s Redistricting Commission approved boundaries for City Council Districts at its meeting last night. I hope this message helps clarify some of the questions you may have about the new districts.

A map of the new Council District Three is attached. Council District Three will no longer include the great communities of Kensington, Talmadge and City Heights. These communities will always mean a great deal to me and my family, and I am sorry to lose direct representation of them. I am excited, however, to continue to work with North Park, South Park, Golden Hill, University Heights, Normal Heights, Hillcrest and Balboa Park and to conquer the challenges that await me in Mission Hills, Bankers Hill, Park West, Old Town and Downtown, which are all new to Council District Three.

The map is now final, yet some mystery remains as to its effective date. Because Talmadge, Kensington and City Heights were moved to the new Council District Nine, the effective date of the new boundaries is of great interest to me. Some authorities believe that councilmembers begin representing the new districts this Fall. The City Attorney has opined that councilmembers begin representing the new districts in December 2012, following the next election cycle. I will keep you posted on what is ultimately decided on this issue. In the meantime, rest assured that my team and I will continue to work hard for you.

It is worth noting that the final map is the result of a lengthy public process and developed and approved by an all-volunteer Redistricting Commission made up of seven private citizens. I would like to thank them for their service to our City. To learn more about the Commission, please visit

Whether you are in the old or the new Council District Three, I depend on your input and feedback on issues impacting you and your neighborhood. Please stay in touch with me by phone, email, Facebook or Twitter and let me know how I may best serve you.

Phone: 619-236-6633
Twitter: @ToddGloria

Thank you for the opportunity to serve,

Friday, August 26, 2011

CalBuzz: The Sad Spectacle of Pete Wilson Taking a Dive

What a sorry disappointment, seeing Pete Wilson behaving like a low-rent political hack at an age when he ought to be a senior statesman.

Read the article here

Capitol Alert: Drive to repeal Senate maps gets boost from four GOP senators

Republican state Sens. Tony Strickland, Mimi Walters, Joel Anderson and Doug LaMalfa are among the first contributors to a signature-gathering campaign aimed at repealing the state's newly drawn Senate districts.

Read the article here.

Mission times Courier: Councilmember Emerald to Run in Newly Created District 9

In a prepared release, Emerald said “My staff and I have been representing many of the neighborhoods in this new district since I assumed office and we have a great relationship with them”, said Emerald responding to the newly approved district map. “I look forward to continuing our partnership with these communities and the other neighborhoods in our new district”.

Read the article here.

KSWB: New City Council district map approved

After months of public hearings and controversies, the city of San Diego's Redistricting Commission Thursday approved a new map for City Council districts.

The final product from the commission represents a radical change from the current boundaries because a ninth district was squeezed in -- the result of San Diego's change in its form of governance several years ago.

Read the article here.

SDUT: San Diego mayoral candidates decline to debate

Looking forward to a lively debate between the four major candidates for San Diego mayor? Be prepared for a long wait.

Two of the declared candidates -- City Councilman Carl DeMaio and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis -- say they have no plans to participate in debates anytime soon.

Read the article here.

VOSD: Dumanis' Indecision 2012

Yet it's Dumanis' campaign that has been the most indecisive since the race's official start almost three months ago. Last month she fired her campaign manager just as the campaign was beginning. Thursday, she flipped her position and now supports a Republican-led pension reform initiative.

Read the article here.

KPBS: Gov. Jerry Brown Rolls Out Jobs Plan

California Governor Jerry Brown is rolling out a new jobs plan that includes changes to corporate taxes as well as expanded tax breaks for business. But its chances for passage in the legislature are slim.

Read the article here.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A New Community Movement Kicks off at “A Better San Diego” Economic Summit   


Hundreds of Community Activists Will Gather to Discuss Solutions for Jobs, Financial Empowerment, Quality of Life

Saturday, August 27, 2011
9 a.m.* to 2 p.m.
Horace Mann Middle School
4345 54th Street
San Diego, CA 92115
(*Registration begins at 8 a.m.)

A coalition of community, faith, environmental, immigrant rights, labor, LGBT and social justice groups will convene at the “A Better San Diego” Economic Summit on Saturday to kick off a regional community organizing effort to put the economic issues facing the people of our communities in the forefront of the debate over San Diego’s future.

The summit will include hundreds of activists, community leaders and other San Diego residents who are mobilizing to build a vision for our city that supports five main themes: Jobs, Prosperity, Quality of Life, Equality and Fairness.

Attendees will be discussing their ideas, learning about ongoing economic issue campaigns, and hearing from community leaders and experienced organizers about how to build the A Better San Diego movement.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit

Participating Organizations
San Diego Labor Council & affiliated unions * Justice Overcoming Boundaries * Center on Policy Initiatives
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment * MoveOn Greater San Diego Council * Activist San Diego
San Diego LGBT Pride * Environmental Health Coalition * Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice * OB Rag
Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter * Employee Rights Center (Partial List: Visit for a full list)

Capitol Weekly: State Democratic Party targets mail vote to boost L.A. turnout

Local Democrats should take note:

In response, Democrats are putting together a get-out-the-vote effort targeting mail-in voters on an unprecedented scale, according to party officials, that seeks to boost vote-by-mail turnout by at least 10 percent for the 2012 elections. The margin not only could prove decisive in statewide elections, it also could decide races in new, high competitive legislative and congressional districts.

Read the article here.

LA Times: Former Gov. Pete Wilson joins effort to upset redistricting plan

Wilson and other GOP leaders have sent out a fundraising appeal to help finance a referendum drive that would give the state’s voters a chance to repeal the maps drawn by a Citizens Redistricting Commission. The GOP leaders say in a five-page memo to several thousand potential donors that the new districts could help give Democrats a two-thirds majority in the Senate.

"Democrats are perilously close to gaining the ability to raise our taxes and expanded our already bloated government -- unless we take immediate action," said the mailer from Wilson, California Republican Party Chairman Tom Del Beccaro and Senate Republican Leader Bob Dutton of Rancho Cucamonga.

Read the story here.

SF Gate: State GOP reverses course: Fred Karger, openly gay 2012 candidate, invited to speak at Sept. state convention

The state GOP "Big Tent" has lifted a flap. 

After initially giving Fred Karger what he called "the cold shoulder'' in his attempts to speak at the upcoming California GOP state convention, the party has now apparently decided to welcome the only openly gay GOP candidate in the 2012 presidential race.

Read the story here.

Thanks Bonnie!

This latest twist in the Dumais for Mayor saga of her flip flopping on the 401(k) initiative shows that when you're about 10 months out she's already reached the ceiling of her campaign. She can't money, she can't get support so why not change the campaign direction and now go to the right and see if that frees up something. However, she's boxed herself in because now she can't go after any more Democrats for money or votes at this point and she has ceded that to Bob. She's also ceded Public Safety as well to Bob if they look around and say "Hey, once they do that, wouldn't they go after me?" which is very possible. As the three Republicans try to fight it out amongst themselves, each being a fading copy of the other. This leaves Bob as the true alternative to all three and has now made clear who would be the real candidate for changing City Hall. So thanks Bonnie! You have just made life a lot easier...

SDUT: Dumanis comes out for 401(k) measure

Chris Crotty, a Democratic political consultant who is not involved in the mayor’s race, said Dumanis is smart to make her position switch now while the election remains 10 months away. He questioned whether she made a mistake by coming out too early against the ballot measure.

“The excuse is pretty flimsy,” Crotty said of the annuity explanation. “She’s not going to escape being called a flip-flopper and the candidates will remind the voters every opportunity that they get, no matter what her explanation is. ... She’s hoping to get it out of the way now and it’s not that much of an issue.”

Read the story here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

SF Gate: Gay candidate can't get seat at GOP convention

Fred Karger, the only Californian - and the only gay candidate - in the 2012 Republican presidential field, says he knows plenty about closed doors. But shut out by his own party - and in his own state? 

Even as Republican leaders say they're eagerly wooing all candidates to the state GOP convention Sept. 16-18 in Los Angeles, Karger says his request to attend and address the party activists has apparently been refused.

Read the story here.

Media Advisory: After Strike Vote, Grocery Workers and Supporters Rally Downtown Before Final Negotiations

From the Labor Council:

More than 200 People Expected To Call On Supermarkets For Affordable Medical Coverage For 10,000 Grocery Employees

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 135, San Diego Labor Council, faith and community leaders and other supporters.

TODAY! Wednesday, August 24, 2011, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.

Ralphs (near Horton Plaza)101 G Street, San Diego, CA  92101

More than 62,000 grocery workers in Southern California – including 10,000  in San Diego County – voted overwhelmingly to strike against Vons, Albertsons and Ralphs over the weekend after the employers proposed changing workers' health insurance plan to be less affordable and result in less medical coverage for many working San Diegans. This demonstration will include hundreds of grocery workers and their supporters just days before the United Food and Commercial Workers (which represents the employees) and the supermarkets meet with a federal mediator in final negotiations in hopes of averting a walk-out.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SDUT: Two council hopefuls to seek Emerald’s seat

There will be two new contenders for Marti Emerald’s City Council seat by Tuesday evening.

Insurance broker Scott Sherman has thrown his hat in the ring, and Mat Kostrinsky, a former aide to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said he will officially have his exploratory committee filed with the City Clerk today.

Read the story here.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What in the Sam Hell. . .

To those of you out there who are more closely intertwined with politics than I am these days, I have one question - what in the sam hell is Bonnie Dumanis doing?  It looks like Dumanis and DeMaio are both skipping the mayoral debates between now and Oct. 17

Now traditionally, the old view in politics is that the only activities a candidate should do during a campaign is talking to voters and talking to donors.  Any time spent talking to people who won't vote for you, or give you money is wasted time.  But that mindset is usually for later stages of the campaign.  Right now, voters aren't really going to make up their minds, so the only thing to do is focus on endorsements, donor credibility and pumping up name ID.  Debates help all three.

That is, unless you already have all three.  For Carl DeMaio, who has strong name ID, a loyal base of contributors and more than enough endorsements, showing up to a debate would be a bad idea.  What if Filner humiliates DeMaio?  What if DeMaio says or does the wrong thing?  In politics, and particularly for front-runners (and DeMaio is the de facto frontrunner at this point), no publicity is better than bad publicity.  There is no upside for DeMaio.

But Dumanis is riding in an entirely different kind of boat.  She has not raised the $300-500k that DeMaio and Fletcher have; her name ID is good, but not great; and, her centrist position is seriously damaged by having Fletcher and Filner in the race (who hit her from the right and the left).  In other words, Dumanis is a "frontrunner" who has a diminishing base, lacks funds, and little name ID.  Having the opportunity to spar with Fletcher and Filner, who are the cause of her woes, seems like a no-brainer.

So, with that said, I have three theories:

1) Dumanis deathly afraid of debates: This is the least likely, as Dumanis isn't just an attorney, but she's a litigator.  We litigators debate everything, and will debate anywhere.  You know where I've had the most debates in my career as a litigator?  In my office, with my co-workers.  Dumanis maybe the DA, but she's a litigator at heart.

2) Dumanis thinks her position is stronger than it is: Ah, self-delusion, the true mother's milk of politics.  It is possible that Dumanis and her political team think that Dumanis is in a DeMaio-like position?  The short answer is yes.  But Dumanis' people are too smart to think this way.  Unless you've been running for mayor for the past four years (DeMaio), they have to know that any polling at this point is very, very soft, and vote and money erosion is likely.

3) Dumanis is thinking of dropping out: There have been reports that Dumanis is thinking of dropping out.  While I don't think this is likely, it is possible that Dumanis now realizes that this is going to be a much tougher race than she previously thought, and is planning on dropping out.  If that's the case, then it makes sense to not debate because why through good money after bad?  Or, she could be laying low to see how the numbers shake out in the next fundraising cycle. 

With all that said, I don't have my ears to the ground, so I have no idea what is going to happen.