Saturday, October 13, 2007
KLSD Update
As for the progressive talk format, it seems that the nationally syndicated Ed Schultz and Randi Rhodes, and other Air America programming might end up on a local FM station that broadcasts in HDRadio. As for the Stacy Taylor there is no word on if he stays on the air. [Link]
Another Update:
Here is the link to Jay Posner's story in the UT this morning reporting the switch in programming at 1360.
Councilwoman Donna Fyre joins the Fight to Save KLSD

Friday, October 12, 2007
Congressman Bilbray our Children deserve Healthcare!
The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) re-authorization bill was vetoed by President George W. Bush after it was passed by Congress. SCHIP provides health insurance for millions of low-income children and helps fund the Healthy Families program. Without SCHIP, our children many not get the healthcare they need.
SCHIP can still be saved...with your help. SEIU Local 221 and our allies are holding a rally outside the office of San Diego-area Congressman Brian Bilbray, who voted against the SCHIP bill. Congress needs a two-third majority vote to override the President's veto. Congressman Bilbray's vote will be essential to overriding the President's veto and saving SCHIP.
When: Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
SEIU Local 221
Worst still to come...

Warning: Water Carrier Alert!
1. Get rid of term limits
2. Raise campaign contribution limits
3. Increase the mayor's veto power
4. Return to citywide runoff elections for council members (This one is my favorite!)
Why is it that among some in the downtown establishment they think that just over the hill there is civic paradise awaiting us, if only we returned to citywide elections for council members?
Now, I'm not saying that council members elected by district are not without their problems. Too often NIMBYism is wrapped in disguise of individual district concerns. But here is a reality check for the all proponents of citywide elections. During the era of citywide elected council members, we got Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Penasquitos, Mira Mesa, and North City West, just to name a few areas sprawl development without any serious forethought regarding infrastructure and services. Going back to citywide election for council mebers won't solve the city's problems. It is leadership that will solve the city's problems, something this mayor is seriously lacking.
Sick of Republicans? Cancel your UT subscription.
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Also posted at Calitics.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Did I Just See That? Am I Drunk?!?!
Neither the video nor the story on the station's Web site mentioned the City having a part in the program, which is a partnership with San Diego State. Despite this, District 2 City Councilman Kevin Faulconer was right there to bask in the glow of something actually being done to stop the alcohol problems in PB.
Kevin, good to see you are attempting to take credit for this one.
By the way, it only took a brawl for him to look at the problem of alcohol on the beach, but people actually dying in PB due to drunk driving isn't enough for him to actually come up with a solution.
Bigger than Manhattan!
Where's the Party?
Quick to Recommend: An Overview of the Mayor's Charter Review Committee
The committee did not stray from the path. The Mayor's Charter Review Committee's finalized recommendations will be discussed at the October 24th meeting of the San Diego City Council Rules Committee. The draft report of their recommendations can be found here. The Mayor's committee plan is to put these initiatives on the June 2008 ballot. The issues include: the creation of three additional city council seats, making the strong-mayor form of government permanent, increasing the mayor's veto power with a two-thirds majority of 8 council members in order to override a veto, making the Mayor executive director of the Redevelopment Agency and the ability to make nominations to the Port District.
It is pretty obvious that this is just a power grab by our city's Mayor. The committee has done its part, so it will be up to the "spin doctors" to market these changes as "necessary" and "vital" for our city. I am sure that they will be warming up in the bullpen in the next month or so and given the Mayor's special fund of over $111,000 that Voice of San Diego (VOSD) exposed in this article, they will not be hurt by a salary cap. Hopefully, the public is able to figure out the real motives behind these changes, and realize that the veto issue for example, has not been such a major problem for the Mayor, let alone the residents of San Diego.
In addition, here are a couple of recent articles that give an overview of the committee's decisions and go into detail about the backroom style of this committee:
San Diego's backroom 'reform'L.A. Times Op-ed by Steve Erie and Norma Damasheka
What a Super-Size City Council Would Look Like VOSD's Evan McLaughlin
Charter Suggestions Move Forward VOSD's quick overview
Monday, October 8, 2007
Fighting Mercenaries in Our Own Backyard

The residents of Potrero, along with several peace and social justice groups, organized a two day event to educate and illuminate. During the two day encampment event, close to 300 people participated in workshops, a night-time concert with local musicians, and an environmental walk. By Sunday, when many more of us arrived, this quiet little town was packed with media, from CNN, to all the local network affiliates.
Rep. Bob Filner was one of many speakers at the rally. He will introduce a bill in Congress, calling for all military training to be conducted on military bases only. At the conclusion of the rally, the culminating event was a march to the gate of the proposed Blackwater West facility. Blackwater mercenaries were out and about. They were trying their best to look menacing, filming us, and in general being the bad neighbor that they said they weren't going to be.
Residents of Potrero were very grateful to see the show of support from so many San Diegans. To learn more about Blackwater, see Blackwater: Shadow Army by Jeremy Scahill.
To take action, check out Courage Campaign. [Link]
Back in Town
Some pieces of gossip I picked up this morning:
1. New names being floated among Dem circles for Mayor of San Diego: Scott Peters and Bob Filner. Both are intriguing, but have some serious negatives. I heard both were being floated in circles at the San Diego Democratic Club Dinner this weekend. The beauty is, with Francis and Sanders duking it out, whoever the Dem candidate ends up being, s/he almost guarantees themselves a spot in the November run-off. In a Presidential year, you gotta believe a Dem has a great shot at pulling it out against whatever bloodied Republican makes in into the general. So, who is going to stand up and make it official?
2. I had a friend e-mail me about the Labor Council's Candidate training this past Saturday. I guess there were quite a few Republicans who came out for the pre-endorsement meeting. That should be interesting. Are we going to have Republicans looking for favor with the unions this go around? I guess appearing mainstream must poll well.
3. It looks like there will definitely be two viable Republicans running in San Diego City Council District 1 (Scott Peters is termed out). Lincoln Club endorsed candidate - Phil Thalheimer is facing opposition from millionaire-Republican Marshall Merrifield. This means Sherry Lightner may be able to get into the run-off just by being the Democrat in this swing district. Not an exciting candidate, Lightner lacks the polish you would want from a candidate in that district. But, I hear she has a substantial following in La Jolla and is willing to spend her own money. We will see, but it looks like another likely November showdown.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Duncan channels B-1 Bob Dornan
Recently a push to give the District of Columbia voting representation was defeated because of heavy Republican opposition. In addition many voting rights advocates are worried about rigid voter ID laws which require photo ID like a drivers license. Are you concerned that some eligible voters will be denied theright to vote simply because they don't have a drivers license?[Link]
Representative Hunter's response was pretty pretty standard wingnut fare:
Wow, I never knew I could feel nostalgic for B-1 Bob and all of his crazy statements.On the issue of allowing...mandating some type of ID, you know the first twenty-one black Congressmen were Republicans who came out of the South. And they went into a series, they went into a series of poll taxes and, and all types of...all types that the Democrats, roadblocks that the Democrats put in their place to keep them from voting. So I don't, I don't agree with those types of stumbling blocks. But I would say this: We have right now a real danger of people that are illegally in the country being rounded up, herded into the polls --- we've seen that in California --- voting illegally. That disenfranchises everybody in that community. I think you have to have some IDs.[Link]
UPDATE: Here is the YouTube clip from the debate.