But the Young Democrats are more than just a social club for young progressives. They’re the youth arm of the Democratic Party. That’s the party line, so to speak.
The short and technical definition of the Young Dems are registered Democrats between the ages of 14 and 36, who work to advance progressive values and elect Democratic candidates. Young Dems also like to have a good time. They mix something of a social scene with their political activism.
In San Diego, there are a number of Young Democrat organizations. The most established is the San Diego County Young Democrats (SDCYD). They’re mostly young professionals, folks out of college, or graduate school. But they have some members who are still in school, or who didn’t choose the college route. All of the local Young Democrat clubs are affiliated with the state-wide California Young Democrats, and the nation-wide Young Democrats of America.
When young people ask me how to get involved in politics, or how to start working for campaigns, I tell them to join the Young Dems. It’s an open organization, and anyone with a commitment to progressive Democratic ideals can join.

Young Dem clubs are up and running at the local colleges, and at some of the law schools. Recently, they’ve been popping up at the community colleges and even at a few high schools.
There’s also the Stonewall Young Democrats, a spin-off from the LGBT-oriented San Diego Democratic Club.
The SDCYD is the largest club in San Diego. They have monthly business meetings, currently held on the fourth Monday of each month at the Gordon Biersch in Mission Valley. Sure there’s beer served, but the business meetings are for business. They’re to plan out community service events and political actions, to endorse candidates, and to collect dues.
Over the last few years, the SDCYD has branched out, adding a monthly rotating social meeting on the second Thursday of each month. Month to month, they move from one swank bar to another. The crowds get bigger every time, and on occasion, someone even sends a professional photographer. Besides the politics, people join the Young Dems to meet people, and to have a little fun.
The real work for the Young Democrats, however, happens on the weekends, between the meetings and the socials. Young Dems plan community service projects, walk precincts, and organize fundraisers all to advance progressive values in the San Diego community.

This week, the San Diego County Young Democrats are co-hosting their monthly social with the Stonewall Young Democrats. It’s on Thursday, June 11th at 8 p.m. at The Office Bar in North Park. Happy hour prices from 8 to 10. According to the event’s Facebook page, it should be packed.