California's children need your help.
The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) re-authorization bill was vetoed by President George W. Bush after it was passed by Congress. SCHIP provides health insurance for millions of low-income children and helps fund the Healthy Families program. Without SCHIP, our children many not get the healthcare they need.
SCHIP can still be saved...with your help. SEIU Local 221 and our allies are holding a rally outside the office of San Diego-area Congressman Brian Bilbray, who voted against the SCHIP bill. Congress needs a two-third majority vote to override the President's veto. Congressman Bilbray's vote will be essential to overriding the President's veto and saving SCHIP.
Come show Congressman Bilbray that funding for our children's healthcare is worth saving!
When: Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Where: Office of Congressman Brian Bilbray
462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 107
Solana Beach, CA 92075
For more information about this event, please contact Carlos Marquez (Government & Community Relations Representative) at (858) 560-0151 x 244
SEIU Local 221
SEIU Local 221
4004 Kearny Mesa Road
San Diego, CA 92111
WHATEVER!!! I'm sure you Liberal Losers love to pimp out sick kids to inflate government so as to impose upon all your Anti-American values. Why don't you donate to charities instead of big government programs, oh, but I forgot your Liberal/Gay/Terror enabling agenda hinges on big government to lull us into compliance...
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Child Health Care
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