Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday - Quick Hits

Street Scene set to return to the downtown streets that give it its birth back in 1983. UT

Not a good sign, Agurrie falls short on fundraising. Has only raised $7400 between Jan 1 and Mar 17. UT

Council approves mini-dorm ordinance. UT

Scripps Research Institute plans first new medical school in U.S. in 40 years. UT

City council committee pushes forward with recommendation to hire 17 more auditors. UT

Marti Emerald raises more money than April Boling in D7, Steve Whitburn barely out raises Todd Gloria in D3. UT

Steve Francis is outspending Jerry Sanders 4 to 1 in mayoral race. UT

President of Vista Unified School Board to run for Oceanside city council. UT


Anonymous said...

Stephen Whitburn's totals are so misleading - he has raised so much for the general election (which he can't use if he doesn't make it past June). And he has such high debts - these two reason, he actually has very little to use for election in April-June; Todd is in a solid place though for a good voter communication program.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Comment #1. Whitburn's accounting is something that would make Enron proud.

Anonymous said...

Even the most cursory review of Todd Gloria's campaign contributions reports shows that he has been receiving massive funding from the downtown lobbyist ilk who turned San Diego into Enron-by-the-Sea. If you want four more years of the same corruption and insider dealing that brought our city to the brink of bankruptcy, vote for Todd Gloria.

Anonymous said...

comment 3 - back up your comments. Todd has a massive amount of support from regular working folks like me. You obviously are on Stephen's gameplan to just slander and spit out negative stuff about Todd. That is why I am not voting for Stephen because he can't get the votes so he goes all negative. If you want a carpetbagger, vote for stephen. If you want someone who is a "me too" person who states how he hired a consulting that did the Barbara Boxer campaign then vote for Stephen. If you want someone who supports Mike Aguirre who is against working families then vote for Stephen. If you want someone who just claims he is Donna Frye 2.0 then vote for Stephen. If you want to vote for someone who just got involved in a planning commission one year before running for office and has no experience other than running a club, vote for Stephen.

Anonymous said...

Todd should reveal his $99 donors. i hear it is a virtual roll call of Chamber of Commerce, Republican, and lobbyists.

Cmon Todd, what are you hiding?

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, there is such a spectrum of donors on Todd's report - yes, some of those you speak of are there but as are activists, enviros, retirees and others not connected with those you loathe. Interesting how your comment is purely speculative (his accepting = bad representation, something I don't agree with) while the first two comments are purely fact: Whitburn doesn't have nearly the same money available to him to use in the PRIMARY, and is running a poor campaign, as opposed to Todd's successful operation. (although, comment #4, it would be nice to have Donna as a rep...)

Anonymous said...

I have to say lately I have been disappointed in San Diego Politico. I am a moderate, independent voter in San Diego who likes to read up about all politics (both sides) and Red County San Diego outposts and out comments you guys almost 10 to 1. Step it up!

Anonymous said...

As far as backing up Todd's questionable campaigning..that is easy. Its WAY too much for this comment space but if you go to developeralert and click on the gloria page you will see ALL the issues. Click on "3/18/08 Its the money.." you will see. :)

Contribution of Sherm Harmer, the Building Industry Association PresidentContributions of Donald Mullen, Chief of Policy, City of SD
Mitch Berner – Registered City Lobbyist, PR guy and Sunroad frontman, appeared “with and for the applicant” at the City Council hearing on February 5th and on and on and on....

Anonymous said...

Also dont forget the Cushmans that are tearing down all of 6th ave to build luxury highrise condos. These are Gloria's supporters along w/ the ENTIRE building industry which gave a presentation to the city yesterday saying we MUST coontinue to mow over the older neighborhoods to build density and more ugly condos.

Anonymous said...

BIA president Sherm Harmer is Glorias biggest fan. Dont you think there is a reason they want to get him elected so bad--its the same group that is strongly opposing a living wage for workers and demolition notification to neighbors. Just go to the Center for Policy Initiatives--look at real estate developer contributions.