Saturday, February 14, 2009

Memo to LOGO

Alot of us are unhappy with Bill Clinton coming to San Diego this weekend and talking at the Manchester. Manchester is a filthy reactionary (and to those who know him, a jerk).

Predictably, Labor Central Council Secretary-Treasurer Lorena Gonzales (LOGO), and her BFF, Todd Gloria issued the meaningless letter this week urging that Clinton not attend. That was an easy letter: all show and no action. Lets see if either of them showup Sunday in the cold and walk the talk.

Lorena should provide us constructive input and guidance on two important labor issues. The proper form of leadsership is not "to stay out of it". What is Lorena's position on:

(a) On the UNITE vs. HERE fight, who is right? Bruce Raynor or John Wilhelm? If she was on the UNITEHERE board, how would she had voted this week?

(b) On the SEIU/Andy Stern vs. SEIU California UHW dispute, who is right? What will Lorena do to insure the labor movement locally will react to these situations? ( for background)


Anonymous said...

Sure enough, LOGO did not appear at the chilly rally this afternoon...

Colin Parent said...

Gloria did. And why does everyone have to attend every rally to be a supporter of the cause?

Moreover, I don't think we should ever beat up on someone for signing a letter of protest that doesn't have any specific force and effect. Protests, whether written or physical are about making a statement, and that is a valuable part of any effort to advance a progressive agenda.

Where people make mistakes, let's call them on it. But let's use this space to advance a progressive agenda, not to pick apart every action or inaction of our progressive allies.

Anonymous said...

Now we hear that Andy Stern is involved in the UNITE vs. HERE fight and is for the divorce, favoring Bruce Radnor.

What is Lorena's position? San Diego is an important zone and we need her leadership.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. I guess since she was unable to attend she probably shouldn't have sent a letter, right?

I guess her appearances at the DOMA rally, other Manchester events and countless other LGBT events mean nothing since she was unable to attend this one.

As for SEIU, UNITE-HERE and other union issues, isn't it her job (as head of the Labor Council) to do her best to maintain unity and solidarity among labor, especially in public view? I doubt it is her place to pick sides or participate in pitting unions against each other. What purpose would it serve to publically choose amongst her unions?

Anonymous said...

"Dem Politico" should go post on Red County. Clearly, he/she has nothing better to do than slam progressive San Diego leaders...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me??! LOGO is a great young leader in our community and she has stood up countless times for various communities including the LGBT community. This memo is an attack piece from some idiot who knows nothing about Lorena and what she stands for. As for Todd...he did show up and spoke eloquently and passionately. We need more leaders like them and less memos like this. Educate yourself before you open your mouth.

Anonymous said...

SEIU issues: well, I guess Andy Stern can decide, and he's come out for his side in the UNITE vs HERE issue.