Thursday, September 26, 2013

Democrats Endorse Alvarez, Boot, Kim

The San Diego County Democratic Party endorsed David Alvarez for Mayor at a special meeting Tuesday night, tapping him as the candidate best prepared to fulfill the Democratic vision for San Diego that voters backed last year.

Members spoke in favor of both City Councilmember David Alvarez and former Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher. Alvarez garnered 62%, achieving the 60% threshold for endorsement on the first round of voting. Former City Attorney Mike Aguirre and Save Our Heritage Organisation leader Bruce Coons also sought the Party's support.

"Central Committee members have developed strong relationships with David Alvarez over the years and appreciate his record of progressive votes and values," said Francine Busby, Chair of the County Party. "We believe he will be an outstanding candidate and leader for our city."

Acknowledging the importance of keeping a Democrat in the Mayor's office in this very Democratic city, the Committee further voted to endorse any Democrat who makes it into a runoff against a Republican after the November 19 special election.

The Party also endorsed candidates Sarah Boot for San Diego City Council District 2 and Carol Kim for Council District 6. Both of them will be on the June 2014 ballot.

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