Based on a comment to the last post about the rumor of State Senator Denise Ducheny possibly running for Mayor, I started making some phone calls.... and YES! I have confirmed with a source in the know, that there are Dem interests pushing Ducheny to enter the race, and that she is considering it. I have to admit, she would be a great candidate. She is a business Democrat, with great appeal for small government Independents. She has a solid record on environmental issues, LGBT and civil rights issues and she is the guru of budget and finance at the State. Plus, it would be a free ride for her, as her seat is not up this year.
Only problem I see may be with labor. She voted against the hotel workers union earlier this year, but I am sure that the Tribes will remember: she definitely carried their water.
All I can say: Ducheny in '08! (Denise, of course, not Al)
AWESOME!!! Francis is pissed that Jerry talked smack about private sector people aren't the best for public sector positions. Can you imagine the repubs being split and the Dems rally around a credible candidate like Denise! I just hope Donne doesn't screw things up and tries to run again. I hope she knows that her support among Democrats is waining fast. Her flip-flops on key Dem issues is really hurting her. I hope she stays out and let the party rally around Denise...
Denise would be an excellent choice, as the original post stated, she is a strong business Dem that would get a lot of independant support. The labor issue is real. Unless a strong labor voice can support her, I think it would be difficult. But, who thinks she would actually be up for it, when she is in a pretty good position? Plus, the party would support Donna over just about anyone. No?
Southbaydem, I disagree with you. I think there are many in the party that want to support someone other than Donna for mayor. Afterall she had 3 shots at trying to win it. Of course there are some hardcore Donna kool aid drinkers out there who will encourage her to run again.
I agree, Donna's votes on WalMart and her flip-flop-flip on marriage equality have left meny in the Dem party with sour tastes on her...
i agree that the dem party will not support denise the same way they would get behind donna. denise has no name ID in SD. she will need A LOT of help, meaning the party ground troops, and A LOT of money, where is it going to come from.
Not really, I think the party is looking for a win. Many of those on the grassroots level are dissapointed with Donna. I think that knowing where Denise stands on many of the key issues there will be enthusiastic support for Denise
I agree with bluediegan - there is some serious support for Denise in the grassroots.
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