A letter was sent by Tyrone Freeman the President of SEIU-ULTCWU to Sal Rosselli the President of SEIU-UHW-West.
In the letter Tyrone tells Sal that he just learned that Sal has been having secret back-door meetings and deals with a group of nursing home employers over economic issues covering bargaining unit workers where the two SEIU unions have joint representation to a master collective bargaining agreement. He goes on to say it is a violation of the responsibility and fiduciary duties of a union leader and in violation of the fundamental principles of trade union democracy.
The secret deal was signed by Sal's union on 1/21/08 with the employers of Covenant Care, Kindred, Country Villa, Sun and Salva. None of SEIU-ULTCWU members or even their staff were apart of the agreement or conversations, which means member contracts were being negotiated without the members or their knowledge. The reason for this posting is the hypocrisy of Sal, who has tried to call out SEIU International's President Andy Stern for doing exactly what Sal is now caught doing himself, making deals with employers without member involvement. In addition, Tyrone states Sal has been doing this without Sal's own members, the rank and file workers, but a group of hand picked workers bound to the secrecy of a pledge.
The secret agreement uncovered states that both sides (Sal's union and the employers) will be "off-the-record", except where terms of this agreement are sought to be enforced, absent the written consent of all parties. It goes on that all parties shall not disclose their conversations to the media, the NLRB, or other government agencies, a mediator, arbitrator or court of law. However, if you are under oath with a THREAT of judicial contempt, then tell the parties, before testifying.
Tomorrow in Los Angeles Sal is arranging a protest of Andy for what Sal has just been caught doing. The interesting question who now turns out, who turns out knows about this back door deal and will they still support Sal? Finally, will Sal's own members believe these uncovered documents or follow him blindly into the abyss.
In the letter Tyrone tells Sal that he just learned that Sal has been having secret back-door meetings and deals with a group of nursing home employers over economic issues covering bargaining unit workers where the two SEIU unions have joint representation to a master collective bargaining agreement. He goes on to say it is a violation of the responsibility and fiduciary duties of a union leader and in violation of the fundamental principles of trade union democracy.
The secret deal was signed by Sal's union on 1/21/08 with the employers of Covenant Care, Kindred, Country Villa, Sun and Salva. None of SEIU-ULTCWU members or even their staff were apart of the agreement or conversations, which means member contracts were being negotiated without the members or their knowledge. The reason for this posting is the hypocrisy of Sal, who has tried to call out SEIU International's President Andy Stern for doing exactly what Sal is now caught doing himself, making deals with employers without member involvement. In addition, Tyrone states Sal has been doing this without Sal's own members, the rank and file workers, but a group of hand picked workers bound to the secrecy of a pledge.
The secret agreement uncovered states that both sides (Sal's union and the employers) will be "off-the-record", except where terms of this agreement are sought to be enforced, absent the written consent of all parties. It goes on that all parties shall not disclose their conversations to the media, the NLRB, or other government agencies, a mediator, arbitrator or court of law. However, if you are under oath with a THREAT of judicial contempt, then tell the parties, before testifying.
Tomorrow in Los Angeles Sal is arranging a protest of Andy for what Sal has just been caught doing. The interesting question who now turns out, who turns out knows about this back door deal and will they still support Sal? Finally, will Sal's own members believe these uncovered documents or follow him blindly into the abyss.
Cross-posted at Calitics.
For those of us who don't know all the background, can you clarify how the two unions would both have bargaining authority for the same group of employees? I've never seen that kind of arrangement before.
If the two unions each hold bargaining representative authority, wouldn't the employer(s) know that? Would such an agreement be valid and legally binding, if it was negotiated without the participation or ratification of one of the authorized bargaining representatives?
Lastly, what is the point of a secret contract? You can hardly hold it over employees and use it to abuse them if you don't tell them what it is. And if the contract is published, how is it secret.
Yeah! We're not all union members.
It's pretty clear to any observer that this is a desperate attempt by Tyrone Freeman to divert attention from the criticisms that Rosselli's union has been making about undemocratic processes within SEIU. Rather than address these criticisms, people like Freeman are slinging mud at Rosselli's local union. It's sad that Gracchus doesn't take the time to investigate the truthfulnes of Freeman's claims. I think that once Gracchus looks into them, he'll find unsubstantiated falsehoods - in other words, "mud."
Give me a break. This blog post has zero evidence other than a letter full of innuendo. By contrast, Rosselli's local has made allegations and backed them up with documents at seiuvoice.org. "Exposed"? My grandmother does better reporting than this, and she's dead.
As a proud SEIU member I think these things should be done at our SEIU May convention. However, it is Sal that has brought it to the general public and it is Sal that signed the secret deals with employers and as a proud member I think it is about time someone called Sal on his hypocracy, good job poster.
If the documents come forward, which I also understand exist of Sal having a secret deal with employers, then will you drop the holy then thou attitude of Sal and stop carrying his water? Remember it is nt about Sal or Tyrone, but the members who live under these contracts.
For the non-union folks, let me clear this up. The two unions or Locals represent members in different parts of the state that have the same employer. This is with several employers. These members have the same contract now, but do not work next to each other, north and south California. Sal's Local organized one part and Tyrone's Local organized another part. Sal and Tyrone, with members negotiated the current contract, which is the way it should be. Now it seems Sal is doing his own negotiations with his hand picked members, unlike how he said they should have elections with all members of the contract electing the contract negotiation team. Open process, good idea. Plus Sal is doing this without Tyrone and Tyrone's members who would be affected this contract. What I heard, Sal want's to raid Tyrone's members for himself down the road. As Sal is doing with non-SEIU unions in other parts of the country. It is not about the members, it is about expanding Sal's own power base.
As is said on the Turko files, "It just aint right."
Why don't we just cut all this crap out and get SEIU to fold up their fiefdom and stand again with their brothers and sisters in the Movement?
SEIU Member,
In many cases, Sal's and Tyrone's locals do not have the same contract with the same employer.
For example, the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Sava Senior Care nursing home chain is one publication that is divided into two parts: the agreement with Sal's local, and then the agreement with Tyrone's.
The difference in standards is remarkable. CNA rates for Sal's members start at $14.37 per hour while CNA rates for Tyrone's members start at $10.90.
In the former, the benefits, rights, and responsibilities of Union members are clearly spelled out, while in the latter, nearly every issue vaguely states that "the Employer, at its sole discretion, may implement, modify, or eliminate" you-name-it.
Finally, Sal's local bargains contracts which do not restrict members from using their only weapon for higher standards --the strike-- upon the contracts' expiration. In its agreement with Sava, Tyrone's local agrees to language that explicitly takes away this weapon, even after the life of the contract.
If anyone wants to "raid" Tyrone's kingdom, it's because that person knows his top-down union's sold-out subjects could do alot better.
To the anonymous how tried to respond to me.
Again, Sal is making his pitch that we need to change SEIU so we have transparency when bargaining with employers, while he is cutting back room deals with employers. Sal is helping an anti-SEIU union (CNA) try to decert SEIU unions, non-brotherly to me and why they come to his defense on his contracts to another contract. Lastly, San Francisco politics is not the same as many other areas in CA and why contracts around the bay area are better working family contracts.
Sal walked away from the table and is trying to take his toys and everyone elses toys with him.
So a year later this post and "SEIU member" - probably really SEIU staffer - look like complete jokes. Sal was not have said meetings, Stern was manuevering for trusteeship, Tyrone should be indicted if he isn't already, the nonsense about Sal helping CNA was never remotely true, and union democracy is snuffed out in another SEIU local. Like the Teamsters before them Stern is pursuing a consolidation of power that leaves members out. Like the TDU before them, SEIU members from San Diego (Go Craft!)to Florida are organizing to end the tyranny. Go SMART, NUHW, Sunshineon221, 521, 721...and on and on.
This is exactly why Lorena Gonzales needs to weigh in on this. She is getting big bucks to be our coordinator and my members wonder what is going on.
Writer: get realistic. LOGO will not weigh in since she doesn't know the issues..
Trade Unions cheat members and get rich on the proceeds
My name is Marian Lukasik, I would like to inform The General Public about a Court Case which is taking place on March 2015 at The County Court, Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London N18 2TN.
The subject of this case is a law suit against British workers union GMB for not fulfilling their duty according the membership contract (mainly related to organisational support and providing legal support in form of representation before Court).
I am informing international and local public opinion as well as representatives of the Media about the importance of this case. I would like to invite the interested public to attend the Court hearing.
When someone could help me in this matter I could be I would be very grateful. .For me is very important make public my case. My target is banned the Trade Union.This is all Pro Publico Bono
More information you can find at google.com under:
Marian Lukasik GMB
Email:antitradeunionist@gmail.com Tel:+447985284791
Trade Unions cheat members and get rich on the proceeds
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