Monday, April 14, 2008

Filner to Host Fundraiser for Pamela Bensoussan

Congressman Bob Filner Welcomes you to a Benefit for Pamela Bensoussan, Candidate Chula Vista City Council Seat 3 Join us for a Poolside Sunday Brunch at the home of Jill & Victor Galvez.

7 Cresta Way
Chula Vista, 91910

Sunday, April 27, 11:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Requested Contribution:
Guest $50 - Host $150 - Sponsor $300

Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet our Congressman and help elect Pamela!

Please Contribute or RSVP now online at

Or mail check to Pamela for City Council c/o Georgie Stillman, Treas.
580 Twin Oaks Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910

Or call Georgie at (619)420-0610

Campaign Committee
Pamela Bensoussan for City Council, ID#1299632

Note: Ordinance No. 2955 of the City of Chula Vista limits contributions to campaigns for City elective office, either to candidate controlled committees or to regulated independent expenditure committees, to three hundred dollars ($300.00) per contributor. (Ord. 2955 § 1, 2004). Printed in-house and paid for by Pamela Bensoussan for City Council, I.D. No.1299632. Campaign Treasurer Georgie Stillman, 580 Twin Oaks Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone who cares about anything to do with the future of the Bayfront and the ecosystem there needs to get on board with Pamela. Otherwise Mayor Cheryl will have another developer crony on the council who wants to overbuild the bayfront.