Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jan Goldsmith at the San Diego Democratic Club

Last week it was reported in this blog that Mike Aguirre got the Dem Club nod but it did not mention that Jan was also there to plead for a no endorsement. Thanks to an old bylaw, Jan, a former Republican Leader in the State Assembly, could address the largely progressive and most effective Democratic party club in the county. Now to say this was weird is to understate it. I mean here's a guy who spent his entire political career trying to dismantle everything the Dem Club supports and is founded upon. He been on the record against marriage equality. He's endorsed by the San Diego Minutemen, who aren't exactly agents of tolerance with people of color. So this guy , that has questionable supporters at best, is talking to the Dem Club. A club that has carried the banner of inclusion and tolerance since its founding. What's next? Shrub joins The Climate Project and begins to crusade against Climate Change.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

You should have listened and not endorsed Aguirre. He is not good for the City.

Anonymous said...

He's better than Goldsmith.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for anyone besides Aguirre. He's dangerous and costs the city thousands and thousands of dollars stoking his own ego. Goldsmith was certainly not my first choice but there's nothing that will make me vote for Aguirre.