Thursday, July 24, 2008

San Diego City Elections Ballot Order

The results from the random drawing held today:

City Attorney
Mike Aguirre
Jan Goldsmith

District 1

Sherri Lightner
Phil Thalheimer

District 3
Stephen Witburn
Todd Gloria

District 7

April Boling
Marti Emerald


Anonymous said...

Looks good for the Dems except for District 7. No Big. Marti should be able to wallop April int he fall.

Anonymous said...

Just like she did in the Spring...oh wait.

Anonymous said...

different demographic...

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm sorry... April wins in November.

Marti's biggest selling point -- her name ID -- is a complete wash since April is now equal with her.

Marti doesn't have any real issues to talk about except "follow the money" and "vote for me because I was on TV!"