Speculation on a blog site is all well and good, but here is a list of those who have actually filed to run for City Council in San Diego:
Kevin Faulconer
Patrick Finucane
Ian Trowbridge
No one yet
Stephen Hadley
Howard Wayne
David Alvarez
Remy Bermudez
Joseph Brown
Tim Gomez
Lincoln Picard
This list is far from complete as people will enter and drop out but this is where the field stands.
I hope your line "Speculation on a blog site is all well and good, but here is a list of those who have actually filed to run for City Council in San Diego" wasn't a cheap shot at www.bluesd.com.
I hope it was. Bluesd.com is a benign effort. I wish Pepe knew what he was talking about before espousing his thoughts on the web.
I talked to Remy Bermudez and she is not running in District 8 but is endorsing David Alvarez who is the annointed candidate and is expected to be the next councilman. I talked to Tim Gomez and he is not running. He has already made his endorsement. Good luck to David who may have some major hurdles to overcome in what might called a blue dog district. Very Democratic but not as liberal as many would like to think. Remember Juan Vargas got elected as a strong Pro-Life candidate with strong church ties and strong on family values and big on integrity. I know. I worked in his campaign. It is not easy to keep those values as a member of the Democratic party. Lincoln Pickard 619-575-0133 Linc2000@msn.com
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