SAN DIEGO - San Diego Labor Council Secretary-Treasurer Lorena Gonzalez made the following statement in response to Governor Brown signing AB 1248 addressing local public employees’ retirement:
“Every worker deserves the basic right to Social Security. While Social Security alone is not enough for any individual to retire on, it is a safety net that the labor movement is completely committed to protecting for all workers: union and non-union.
The San Diego Labor Council applauds the leadership of Assemblymember Hueso for carrying this bill to ensure a safety net for San Diego’s public workers and the common sense approach taken by Governor Brown in signing it.”
A.B. 1248 was authored by Assemblyman Ben Hueso in response to Carl DeMaio’s attack on the retirement security of city employees who would not receive a defined-benefit pension or Social Security upon retirement under DeMaio’s proposal. The bill ensures that the City of San Diego will include the safety net of Social Security for any employees who are subject to DeMaio’s proposal.
San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council
The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO represents more than 192,000 union workers in the region and advocates for an economy with more jobs, better jobs and better lives for all workers in the region - union and non-union.
The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO represents more than 192,000 union workers in the region and advocates for an economy with more jobs, better jobs and better lives for all workers in the region - union and non-union.
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