Saturday, January 18, 2014

Foul me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. San Diego Police Officers Association, shame on you!

I find it interesting that on one hand San Diego City Councilmember Kevin Faulconer and his alliance of the radical right-downtown establishment-big business groups are touting his endorsement from the San Diego Police Officers Association, then hitting San Diego City Councilmember David Alvarez for his support from unions.  What the heck do you mean?

Well, you have the mixed-up world here in San Diego.  The San Diego Police Officers Association is a UNION!  They may not have the word UNION in their title, but they are a U-N-I-O-N.  In fact, they are a San Diego City U-N-I-O-N, which their members are part of the PENSION, which Councilmember Faulconer and his alliance of the radical right-downtown establishment-big business group blame for the city’s demise.  In fact, his backers would like to eliminate the polices pension, like they did for all the other unions at the city, just ask the UT Editorial Board.  While it is okay to denounce Councilmember Alvarez for getting support from unions it would not be right to do the same of Councilmember Faulconer, right?  There is a saying, “If you point a finger at someone else, three of your fingers are pointing back at you.” Try it.  They are just a bunch of hypocrites, but we knew that one.

Though, the bigger scratching of my head was over the San Diego Police Officers Association for supporting Councilmember Faulconer.  Some dogs just don’t learn it seems.  It is important to point out that Councilmember Faulconer told this union and the San Diego Firefighters in his first win for San Diego City Council to get their endorsement and money he would support them as councilmember.  How did that work out?  Well the firefighters are now supporting Councilmember Alvarez.  You see they both got screwed by Councilmember Faulconer.  He voted to cut their budgets, freeze their pay, not replace their equipment, actually made them pay more for benefits thus reduced their take home pay, made it harder for them to recruit new officers and he pals around with those same Wisconsin anti-labor alliance of the radical right-downtown establishment-big business group.  Now Councilmember Faulconer has a plan, just like former San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio had a plan.  Just don’t look at the details, because you won’t really like it.  Details, details.  Also, this alliance of the radical right-downtown establishment-big business groups supports eliminating the police the right to have their union, which is spending their union money for Councilmember Faulconer’s election, which the Councilmember and his alliance of the radical right-downtown establishment-big business groups are now touting and using for his campaign material.  Crazy isn't it?

Let’s put it this way:  What ten year old kid would want to play after school with the another kid who took food off their dinner table, abuses you and tells it is becaus they love you, does not like the way you live your life and tells the neighbors they think your family should not have the right to exist?  I don’t think you would find one kid that gullible, but the police union just signed up for round two!  There is another saying, “actions are louder than words,” and for the past 7 years Councilmember Faulconer has been talking out of one side of his body about the police union, while signing petitions, writing op-eds and voting to hurt the same San Diego Police Officers Association

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