Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No Endorsement!

I just received a test message from my friend who attended the Democratic Central Committee meeting tonight. In what turned out to be a close vote, San Diego City Attorney Mike Aguirre failed to get the required 60% of the vote for an early incumbent endorsement. I'll have more on what transpired at the meeting in a later post. Stay Tune....


Anonymous said...

The vote was 23 for early endorsement and 18 against. He needed 25 to get 60 percent. Both sides were compelling and Aguirre gave a good speech but at the end it wasn't enough.


I understand from my friends on the central committee that DA Dumanis
intervened causing Mike Aquirre not
to get the percentage needed. Too bad!

Anonymous said...


What you describe is not true! I was at the meeting last night and what I saw was a very passionate discussion both pro and con on whether Mike Aguirre deserved an early endorsement. i think you need to keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.

Anonymous said...

What friends? You definitely don't have friends on central committee if that's the info you got. DA is a republican and would have no business at the meeting. He lost because plenty of Dems are mad at him for dividing the party.

Anonymous said...

I was there last night and this appeared to be all Central Committee without interference by Dumanis or the Labor Council. The speakers opposed to Mike gave clear rationals that had nothing to do with the Republicans but everything to do with Mikes performance as City Attorney from a Democratic perspective as in his support for labor and LGBT and if he kept his word to Democrats, which he has not.

I don't know what planet lawson is on but, as handy as the outside interference argument could be, it's not true. This committee is slowly showing signs of evolution as a body. I was just as shocked by this as others who came with me to see this.

Anonymous said...

Our party is in chambles. Our in-fighting is sad. I heard no compelling argument against Mike yesterday.

As a courtesy to the city employees, many of us allowed 1/2 of a conversation to take place. You only get that opportunity once. We will use every procedure needed to endorse him at the next meeting.

Aguirre deserved to be granted friendly incumbent endorsment. But, the central committee has city employees and retired employees who believe that under another city attorney like that Scott Peters that their pensions will be protected.

I hope Peters and others stay out. I will be the first to ask those 3 Democratic councilmen (toni, donna, and peters) to resign for imcompetence. Underfunding the pension was done because they were not willing to make hard choices. What makes them so good?

A bad public servant is just that...bad----Democrat or otherwise.

He will be endorsed by January 2008. Mr. Peters, Mr. Bersin, Mr. Anyone. Stay out!!!! You can run 5 years from now ....when Mike is done. When Mike runs for Mayor.

Central Committee Member

P.S. The vote would have been different at the beggining of the meeting. We lost folks to family obligations because of a long agenda. Jess Durphy- watch your executive committee. They can not be fair if they are working for Mike's opponents.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,

It must be nice make accusations of Central Committee members when you can hide behind the "anonymous" tag. My understanding is that everyone who spoke for or against Aguirre yesterday was a central committee member.