Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's Leadership Time Now Kevin!

As reported today in the UT, the opponents of the Alcohol Beach Ban, yesterday delivered over 45,000 signatures to the city clerk's office. They needed to deliver a little more than 30,000 signatures to either force the City Council to rescind the ban, or to place it on the ballot.[Link]

Prior to last Labor Day's alcohol-induced riot at Mission Beach, district 2 council member Kevin Faulconer had always been ambivalent regarding an alcohol ban on the beach. However, never one to miss an opportunity to have his face on television, Faulconer quickly seized the issue. He worked with other council members and the city attorney's office to draft an ordinance and to have the council pass it last November.[Link]

If the city council decides to put the ban on the ballot, it is going to be interesting to see how much council member Faulconer is going to take the lead on it now. As a candidate, he has shown himself to be a prolific fundraiser. I wonder how much of his political capital he is willing to put on the line to get the measure passed. It is going to be interesting to see what happens now.


Anonymous said...

Leadership is not a word I would ever associate with Kevin. Opportunist, maybe, and fearful,sure, but not leader.

Anonymous said...

It will be fun to watch Kevin run from this if the voters in his District vote it down. He will find a way to spin it as not his idea.

Anonymous said...

What a tool! This guy is ridiculous. I hope the voters of D2 show this guy the door...