Wednesday, January 9, 2008

More Aguirre Follies

Last night before the San Diego County Democratic Party Central Committee meeting, city firefighters and other city employees held a thank you demonstration for the members of the central committee who back in November voted to deny City Attorney Mike Aguirre an early incumbent endorsement. The demonstrators held signs along city streets and in front of the State building where the committee meets.[Link]

According to my source who sent me the above photo, during the central committee meeting both Lee Burdick and Dan Coffey, who are declared candidates for city attorney, took strong anti-Aguirre positions when speaking to central committee members. I'm told the response from the members was respective, but not overwhelming.

In other news from last night's meeting, both Marti Emerald and Sherri Lightner received early party endorsements for district-7 and district-1 city council races.


Anonymous said...

Burdick and Coffey may not be able to pull enough Central Committee members to get the Party to not endorse Aguirre, but what about a Peters run? Scott has strong support with some enviromentalists, GLBT and labor, and has name recognition.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Scott doesn't want to remind voters about the pension scandal which brought Aguirre to the City Attorney's office in the first place

Anonymous said...

The pension scandal DID NOT bring Aguirre to the City Attorney's office... remeber, he sought and won public employee unions' endorsements, including the same unions that he rails against now.

Anonymous said...

Mike Aguirre was elected to clean up a crooked city and since the beginning republicans have implemented"swiftboating" tactics starting with democrats Inzunza and Zuchett and once they disposed of these two democrats next their agenda was and is Aguirre. I just hope people will see through these calculated efforts to rid our city of democrats in powerful places.