According to the UT, Carl DeMaio and some of his campaign flunkies didn't like the idea that D-5 candidate George George has a 4ft by 8ft on his property. This video illustrates, how first some of the classy DeMaio campaign workers tried to place some signs next to George's. When that apparently didn't try to take the sign down. Is George's candidacy really that big of a threat to DeMaio?
Nothing but class.
Hmm... first, the intersection of RB Road was public space. Seems to me normal to see campaigns putting signs up. that's what campaigns do.
Second, those "kids" aren't even part of the DeMaio campaign. No doubt they are union thugs.
Finally, seems to me the fire union knows it is in trouble with this ethics violation.
Yep, that's what i see. :-)
They're not part of the DeMaio campaign? Who else would know besides Carl himself, who writes about half of the comments on Red County himelf?
Lorena, is that you?
Too bad he didn't roll down the hill.
Plan B- Necessary steps to take when your campaign has been caught illegally using taxpayer resources to benefit.
Step 1. Take a 30 second video showing your opponent putting up his yard signs.
Step 2. Immediately splice in footage of teenage kids trying to take down one of your signs.
Step 3. Show clips back-to-back-- giving the impression that your opponent was directly involved in the incident.
(Hopefully, these drastic actions will steer any attention away from any ethics law your campaign has broken.)
Um. . .wow, what's with the union thing? From my experience, unions put up signs (freakishly well) and then go home. They leave the sign wars for the campaign. . .
Ah, sign wars, my favorite. I'm kind of surprised that DeMaio's people did such a poor job:
1) Wires suck. They are the suckiest things that ever sucked. The wood posts always work better, even if you have to use a mallet.
2) If you're going to take down signs, do it late at night. It is an illegal activity, morons!
The union guys know all of this, and so there's no way they would've been part of the keystone cops here.
So I'm guessing that this is the tender spot of San Diego Republicans. I mean c'mon guys, so some overzealous supporters tried to take down a sign but Republicans have to create some conspiracy theory about it because no way would Carl DeMaio supporters do that! P.S. they were Illegals hired as union thugs made up to look like YAFers to fool everyone!
Uh oh someone mentioned illegals. Starting to look like every comment thread on the UT's site.
Top story on Fox 6 news tonight. Interesting.
I do not know who is running Carl DeMaios campaign camp, I assume it is him, but it is going overboard. I am a Scripps Ranch homeowner with a George George sign in my yard. Today I came home and someone had placed a Carl DeMaio sign in front of it. I feel this guy is comong off like a bull in a china shop and really doesn't respect others. Sad one has to resort to this type of actions to get what you want. I can guarantee you that any standing in his way better watch there back!
Yeah, I really really believe that last comment.
Yep, and did you hear Carl is endorsed by satan? And did you hear that Carl was involved in 9-11? And did you hear that Carl was responsible for the bothced switch to new Coke in the 80s?
Thanks for admitting what we already know.
It looks to me like this was public property, in which case all these actions were completely legal. Carl Demaio is a fine young man and it would serve our city and district well to have him representing us as councilman
It looks like this is public property, in which case these actions are completely legal. Carl Demaio is a fine, young man and it would serve our city and county well to have him represent us as councilman.
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