Friday, September 21, 2007

Republican are Cry Babies

I watched the Jerry Sanders news conference and was reminded of something: Susan Golding's pathetic breakdown on TV in the Mayoral election against Peter Navarro. Made me think, what a bunch of cry babies.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I dislike Jerry Sanders too, but c'mon, give the guy a break. He did the RIGHT thing for once. I don't care if he was crying when he did it or not. Its the guys who cry when they're doing the wrong thing that bug the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

He did the right thing, so what was there to cry about?

Anonymous said...

He was crying because he knew he just betrayed true American values by kowtowing to the Liberal/Gay/defeatists. This is dark day for our city and for America. What's next? Legalizing pedophilia?

Anonymous said...

Hey, hannitized! Gay are not pedophilles!! Lets reserved that for the Catholic Church.

Anonymous said...

I have gone back and forth on whether what the mayor did was strength or pandering.

His daughter didn't just come out to her father she is gay, nor did she just "find" a partner the other night. So, I would assume when gay marriage came up in the Sanders household dear old dad Jerry must of had to answer.

Either he has been telling his daughter he does not believe in her rights and "changed" in the matter of minutes after saying he would veto it or he has agreed with her all along and lied to people outside his home to appease his political base.

I don't know the answer, but as a father who loves his child, I would bet he has sided with his daughter before this week.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sanders read the 14th Amendment and was crying for all his GOP buds who can't decipher it. This should have been a no brainer; instead, it marked Sanders as a guy with enough cojones to go his own way instead of just reading the lines and following the script.