Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Carl DeMaio is Unacceptable

From a Press Release dated Monday, April 28, 2008

(San Diego) - The San Diego Democratic Club (SDDC), the chartered Democratic club serving San Diego County's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, announced today that it has rated Carl DeMaio, an openly gay candidate for the San Diego City Council in District Five, as "unacceptable." As the SDDC's lowest possible rating, its use is rare in any election cycle and reserved for candidates that are antithetical to LGBT and progressive rights in San Diego. Its use for a gay candidate is unprecedented in the club's 32-year history.

SDDC President Andrea Villa said that the primary reason for the rating was DeMaio's overwhelming incompatibility as a candidate with the SDDC's mission, which is to elect LGBT and LGBT-friendly Democrats to office. While DeMaio, an openly gay registered Republican who is running for a non-partisan race, was eligible for an "acceptable" rating (the club's highest recommendation for a Republican), he instead earned the lowest possible rating given by the SDDC, that of "unacceptable."

"We have serious questions about whether Carl DeMaio, an openly gay man, will support issues of the most basic importance to his own community if he is elected to the San Diego City Council," Villa stated. "We are especially concerned by the fact that one of his campaign's biggest supporters has bankrolled the latest attempt to permanently prevent Mr DeMaio's own LGBT community from obtaining basic human rights here in California."

DeMaio's first campaign fund raiser was held last year at the home of San Diego developer Doug Manchester and his wife, Elizabeth. Doug and Elizabeth Manchester have donated the maximum amount allowed to DeMaio's city council campaign. This year, Manchester has donated as much as $125,000 to, the political committee that has been collecting signatures to place a proposition on this fall's state ballot that would insert a ban on same-sex marriage into the California constitution.

Last week the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), PlanetOut and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) all canceled events planned to be held at the Manchester Hyatt during San Diego LGBT Pride Week in late July.

"We believe it is telling that these national LGBT rights organizations have so quickly disaffiliated themselves from any dealings, regardless how inadvertent they may have been, with Mr. Manchester - something that Mr. DeMaio, as a gay man in San Diego, should have done long ago," Villa said.


Anonymous said...

DeMaio taking money from Manchester even though Manchester funds anti-LGBT legislation. I guess he will do anything to get elected.

Anonymous said...

Must really steam you guys that the media dismissed this.

PS: Sanders also took money from Manchester. I don't think either have anything to do with LGBT issues on anyone's part. But you'll still squack and say it does. Squack one is listening but the kool-aid drinkers in the phone booth with you.

Anonymous said...

Idiots. If SDDC opposes DeMaio and really wanted to impact his candidacy, they would have endorsed him and plastered that endorsement all over District 5 with pro-gay rights mailers going to all those GOP voters. DeMaio is a square peg and a carpetbagger trying to fit into a round district.

Anonymous said...

i heard DeMaio sent the SDDC flowers to thank them for helping get him elected

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how some people think. You think that just because someone is gay they MUST support gay marriage. You think he must sign on to every action the gay "community" deems thinks appropriate. Here is something that may surprise you: Maybe he thinks for himself and draws his own conclusions instead of following the gay masses.

Anonymous said...

carl is a shrewd and selfish man. i've known him on a personal level and have only known him to act when he knows he will be rewarded. he does not care for his constituents, as he is only interested in positioning himself for career promotion and not community development or serving those whom he represents. don't be fooled by him.

Anonymous said...

Talk about unacceptable! Look what DeMaio just released. How can the gay community stand with this guy?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I LOVE what Carl DeMaio had to say about the "Golden 30." He is right on!! seriously, there is a small elite group of old queens who think they have the right to speak for everyone else. I disagree with Carl on many issues, but BRAVO for him speaking up to those blow-hards!

PS: Wish Todd Gloria had some balls to do stuff like this.

Anonymous said...

I sent Carl DeMaio an e-mail asking him the status of certain issues specific to his district and commented on my disappointment in him as a councilmember because of his blatant lack of interest in his own backyard. I guess I shouldn't be surpised that neither he nor a staffer have responded.

Anonymous said...

"carl is a shrewd and selfish man."

And that distinguishes him from all elected

Be Honest said...

Sheesh, so much anger. Ok, Carl got support from a less than perfect person. Oh no! As if the SD Dem Club wouldn't take his money.

If you're going to smear someone, at least be honest and admit it's because you don't like their politics. Making up excuses just costs the SDDC credibility

Anonymous said...

Meeting Carl for the first time the other night made me realize District 5 has a most dishonest and self promoting person supposedly representing this district. When asked if he had made the statement "California High Speed Rail is coming down the I-15 over my dead body!" he owned the statement and in addition endorsed the nightmare we face everyday as they widen the I-15 to who knows how many lanes in each direction. Guess he doesn't want his Scripps Ranch property value to fall while he is denying San Diegans the right to get out of their cars when traveling to Los Angeles.

Anonymous said...

How is owning the statement being dishonest? You may not like his position, but did he lie about his position?