Saturday, June 16, 2012

Official Statement by the San Diego Labor Council on President Obama’s Announcement on Deferred Action for Immigrant Youth


SAN DIEGO - San Diego Labor Council Secretary-Treasurer/CEO Lorena Gonzalez made the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement earlier today:

“Working families in San Diego applaud the Obama Administration’s announcement to provide relief from deportation to immigrant young adults brought to this country by their parents at an early age. These are some of San Diego's best and brightest, and the President’s actions allow them to finally live without fear of separation from their families and deportation to a country they barely remember. This talented group of young Americans was educated here and has been working to build a better community for all of us. Beginning today, they can come into the open to pursue their dreams right here, where they call home. San Diego will be stronger for their extraordinary contributions and I commend this administration for its courage and leadership in taking an important step towards a more just America.

“Today's announcement is an encouraging step in beginning to address our nation’s dire need for comprehensive immigration reform. We call on San Diego’s elected officials to work towards a common sense solution that will address the parents and families of these young people.”


San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council

The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO represents more than 192,000 union workers in the region and advocates for an economy with more jobs, better jobs and better lives for all workers in the region - union and non-union.         

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