Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Carl DeMaio Sells Private Think Tank

Voice of San Diego reported yesterday that Carl DeMaio is selling his private think tank for an undisclosed amount to Thompson Publishing Holding Co. What exactly will that mean for the Performance Institute?

Well, don’t worry about Carl he has his own plan for the future, which includes running for the District 5 City Council seat. Let’s just hope that he is not as successful with his next venture as he was with his first.


Anonymous said...

I think Performance Institute means "how to" have as many of your contractor friends profit from outsourcing of jobs and services.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You'd think he'd have something to fallback on if he lost... I mean how arrogant is that.

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone out there that knows more about campaign finance laws, can this be considered a campaign contribution? What if Thompson purchased PI for a substantial amount above market value, a la Duke Cunningham's house? He's already "given" himself $100,000, so it isn't crazy to think the money he received is going straight to his campaign coffers.

pacerjohn said...

It sounds like Carl considers himself a shoe-in for Brian Maienschien's 5th District Council seat. That remains to be seen