As reported in VOSD back in July of 2006, councilman Madaffer and his wife have:
It is also reported that the freely distributed Mission Times Courier reaches an estimated 25,000 homes and businesses throughout most of the communities that are north of I-8 within Madaffer's district. [Link][f]or nearly a decade, ... owned the Mission Times Courier, which offers blurbs about the happenings of nearby schools, planning groups, youth sports leagues and new construction projects. Rarely does a story about City Hall pass without at least a passing reference to Madaffer's efforts, if not a friendly pat on the back. The councilman can be seen smiling with police officers and girl scouts or handing checks to community leaders in the periodical's photographs.
As the campaign season moves forward, it will be interesting to see how far this community paper the Madaffer's own is prepared to slant its coverage on behalf of April Boling. In the meantime, I suggest that the paper makes for a good fish wrap for your catch after a day fishing at Lake Murray.
Interesting. I have heard Madaffer hates April Boling and may even endorse Marti. (Who knows if Marti wants that endorsement). I also thought there was Perkins and Boling were anything but friendly... of course, the Reeps are much better at keeping their own in line...
Look, Perkins will do the SDFF tells him to do. As for Madaffer? It must be painful that after trying to be the successor to Dick Murphy, his dreams were swept away with his actions on the pension crisis...
Lets be honest, Madaffer will follow orders and eventually endorse April. Especially if he wants to run for another office someday. I suspect that Johnnie Perkins, who originally wanted to run for the seat will endorse April too. It is not like there is a lot originality among Republicans in the town.
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