I have always suspected that the crazy wingnuts really wished the Cold War had never ended. The Global War on Terror, just doesn't arouse the same primordial emotions that the Cold War did. After all, there were duck and cover drills in school, and if your neighbor was incline to read novels from Dalton Trumbo and beleive in civil rights for African-americans, you could openly suspect him of harboring leftwing sympathies. Those were the good ole days for the wingnuts.
Apparently Mike Spence didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over. For the president of the California Republican Assembly, the Cold War is alive and well. In a post he wrote yesterday on the Flash Report, he discussed the efforts of human rights groups to protest a Chinese sponsored float in the upcoming Rose Parade.[Link] What struck me with his post was the use of outdated language. It has been a long time since I have seen terms like Red China and Chicoms thrown around so casually. Here is some advice Mike, take the your copy of Red Nightmare out the VCR and put it on the bookshelf before your blow a gasket.
The wingnuuts on the right have always wanted to to go back to the thuggish, racist, sexist, conformist 1950s. Too bad they can' get over an idealistic past that never existed.
A float! At least by wasting their energies here they can't harm our nation in the name of blind ideology anymore.
This is just the first step of a charm offensive. We must be vigilant against the Chinese aggressor. He attacking us on all fronts, militarily, economically and technologically. But leave it to the Liberal/Gay/Appeasement party to roll over once again. But I forgot that it was Clinton and Gore who accepted Chinese government money for their reelection in 1996 as a way to influence our government and the Democrat party and it seems to have paid off for them. After all it was Clinton that weakened our country for the sake of Chinese prosperity!
I wonder if hannitized and Mike Spence talk about impending Chinese threat as they stand in the checkout line at Walmart?
Mr. Spence should be very pleased he made this com-symp blog.
You lefties never have a problem with oppression when it is done in another country. Oh, unless that country is one of our allies, then you moan about it. You've abandoned the most hopeless of the world. Weirdos.
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