Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saldaña launches first ad of the CA-52 primary Tuesday


SAN DIEGO - The Democratic frontrunner for the 52nd Congressional District, Lori Saldaña, will launch her first ad Tuesday. The ad campaign will use voter-targeting technology to deliver online video ads and traditional flash ads to deliver ads to likely voters.

The total ad buy is expected to be in the tens of thousands of dollars and run during the closing week of the Saldaña's June 5th Primary contest.

VIEW VIDEO AD on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/FSASRJhyErk

Facts about the Saldaña-Peters race

•Lori Saldaña is a grassroots progressive who is focused on restoring the middle class and fighting to protect Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. She was endorsed by the PCCC late last month.

•Saldaña was one of the original members of the Dean Dozen in her successful race for the CA State Assembly in 2004 and thanks to her grassroots base successfully ran for reelection two times before she was term-limited out of office in 2010.

•Scott Peters is a businessman and San Diego City Councilman and, as depicted in this ad, has publicly supported cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

•Peters, facing a serious headwind from Saldaña's strong grassroots effort, recently dumped over $1.25 million of his own money into the race in attempt to buy the House seat.


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