Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Feinstein censure killed; Courage Campaign camera blocked

The following video was produced by the Courage Campaign regarding last weekend's events at the CDP E-board. In my opinion, this fight over the DiFi censure resolution at the E-board meeting, is the opening skirmishes in the battle for who is going to be the next Chair of the CDP.


Anonymous said...

I love it when the Liberal/Gay/Terror enabling party turns against itself and tries to purge the last vestiges of some Americanism from their party. Keep it up! Just makes the jobs of real Americans that much easier.

Anonymous said...

Hey hannitized,

Don't you have some hate crimes you need to go and commit? Why is it that you Repubs can never stand for real debate on the issues?


What has happened to the democratic party? When I was growing up in this party, the party of Hubert Humphery and John Kennedy, we had a big tent policy, where the Harry Reids, the Bob Casey's who are right-to-lifers (I, personally am for a woman's right to choose) and the Dianne Feinsteins would be considered in good standing in the democratic party. I believe like Harry Truman: the worst democrat is better than the best republican.
Can't we all just get akong?......