Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scott Peters for Congress Campaign Hits the Airwaves This Weekend!

Scott Peters for Congress Campaign Hits the Airwaves This Weekend!

San Diego, CA – In the next two days, the Scott Peters for Congress campaign will begin telling the voters directly about Scott’s record of fighting for the middle class, solving problems, creating jobs and getting things done via broadcast television.  The Peters campaign began an aggressive direct-mail campaign last week, and this weekend it will become the first in the race for the 52nd Congressional District to air television commercials. The campaign has had an aggressive grassroots voter contact effort underway for the past several months.

The professionally produced 30-second ad highlights Scott’s background, growing up the son of a minister and civil rights advocate, tells of Scott’s record to protect and create thousands of good jobs for San Diegans.

“The middle class is taking it on the chin, and Washington is not helping,” says Peters in the spot. “It’s time to rebuild our middle class.”

Click here to view the ad which will air on several local television stations within the next two days.

For more information about Scott Peters for Congress, go to



donzxcv said...

Professional liberal hack scott peters running for congress. In his ad he cites his Christian minister dad. The hypocrite, under pressure from activist James Hartline in the city council chambers, he publicly stated that was not a factor for him, had no bearing on his decisions, which were and are always leftist anyways. By the way, all the rest of the council denied being influenced by faith also, including so called Christian tony young. I heard them deny their faith with my own ears.

donzxcv said...

Professional liberal hack scott peters running for congress. In his ad he cites his Christian minister dad. The hypocrite, under pressure from activist James Hartline in the city council chambers, he publicly stated that was not a factor for him, had no bearing on his decisions, which were and are always leftist anyways. By the way, all the rest of the council denied being influenced by faith also, including so called Christian tony young. I heard them deny their faith with my own ears.