Friday, May 4, 2012

Why I am Running for Third District County Supervisor by Dave Roberts

I am a candidate for San Diego County Supervisor because I am concerned that San Diego County is headed in the wrong direction and we need to change course in order to protect the hard working taxpayers of the County.

It's time for a positive, bipartisan problem solver to be elected to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. I don't care who gets the credit - I just want the problems solved.  That's what it will take to improve our region.

It is also time to stop the "business as usual" and political deal making and get to work.

Specifically, if elected the Third District County Supervisor, I will make certain our county government does the following:

·         Works to protect and enhance the quality of life of all county residents
·         Fosters an economic environment that spurs job growth
·         Demands fiscal responsibility, spending less than we have
·         Insists upon full disclosure, transparency, public accountability
·         Stops the six-figure county pensions with a cap; and,
·         Delivers the best, most efficient services to the public

These are promises I will make and the commitments I will keep.

Being a county supervisor isn't about catchy one-liners and 'sound bites' you often hear. It is about working to provide the best service possible to the public just as county government is supposed to do.

It is about saving taxpayer dollars, balancing the county budget and setting aside a reserve for a rainy day.

This means cutting red tape and streamlining services.

It means getting the pension system under control and capping pensions because six-figure retirements are not affordable.

I support a ban on gifts to supervisors from individuals or organizations that receive county funding. This should have happened years ago and when I am elected it will happen.

We need an ethics hotline so the public and employees can turn in the bad apples who take advantage of the system and skirt the law.

My priorities are simple and straight-forward: preserve our environment; greatly improve county fire protection; fully fund our Sheriff and District Attorney; expand our parks; and, improve our libraries.

I will fight for policies that invest in infrastructure and create jobs.

I am running for this office because I am concerned about the direction of county government and the effects those policies coming out of downtown might have on the citizens of the Third District. I would be honored to have your vote.

Like you, I want to see government at all levels operate with more accountability. I want our elected officials to work together. I am tired of the political posturing and bickering that keeps government from getting things done.

I have worked most of my career cutting waste and improving efficiency. As a successful businessman I helped to build a Fortune 500 company. I understand what it takes to create jobs in high-tech, biotech and the renewable-energy sectors. As Deputy Mayor of the City of Solana Beach, I've worked to balance the budget every year, saving taxpayers money without eliminating vital services.

For more information, please visit my campaign website at

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