Back in August I posted how I thought it was interesting Craig Benedetto wrote in the Voice of San Diego Cafe about the People's Ordinance. I called it a test ballon.
Well, the balloon has flown and now it is time for the real deal. Mayor Jerry Sander's is now looking to move at outsourcing its waste collection. Down the road, when the cost goes up from increase charges of the outside company, like at the City of Imperial Beach, then the residents of San Diego should expect to start paying for their trash hauling.
Well, I guess if Steve Frances does challenge Mayor Sanders re-election, then the Mayor will need more money to compete and we are not talking managed competition here. So, he is moving to outsource and start the fundraising or I mean to say start the outsource bidding process.
Nice! Tony Soprano comes to San Diego! This is opening the door for corruption at every level of city governemnt. Is there anyway that the city council can put the brakes to this?
Only if the public speaks up about it. First they need to know it will lead to increased costs and then a future garbage pick-up tax, before they will care.
Wonder if those "taxpayers groups" look at outsourcing and the future bidding from the companies, once the city eliminates the services and they can't bring it back in house?
Also they should look at who's donating to the Mayor and council members and is up for those contracts. Little "quid pro quo" perhaps?
I thought bigtime Democrat contributor Murray Galinson was appointed to the mayor's review board. I guess the Democrats don't trust the process!! If the mayor had appointed someone who was from one of the enviro-labor groups that control the local Democrat party would you have been happy??
I think Murray is a good guy, but he is one person on the board.
I hope that everyone who opposes outsourcing union jobs remembers that the so-called Democrat Mike Aguirre joined Mayor Sanders and other Republicans in signing the ballot argument in support of contracting out city services.
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